Back in February 2020, before the introduction of the self-isolation regime, an old client — a private finance trading partnership — contacted us.
The search for employees for that client has always been complicated, and even more so during the self-isolation period. Moreover, this time the search for one employee morphed into three independent projects, with the candidates’ profiles barely overlapping.
Having listened to all the client’s “wishes and pains”, our consultant Irina Schavinskaya pointed out that finding a specialist who combined functions of a tax accountant in Russian tax accounting, an international lawyer and a transfer pricing specialist would be problematic, to put it mildly. Together with the client, it was decided to start looking and see what was there on the market, making adjustments along the way.
So, Irina went on a hunting expedition, armed with a fishing rod, a spear and a rifle, because the habitual “go there I don’t know where” was joined this time by “find that I don’t know what”! We will omit the description of the “hardship trek” — with pleas for feedback and explanation of what was wrong, showing us the right direction, sharing thoughts — which is usual “work background” for any consultant. Having worn off many an iron shoe, we nevertheless came to a common understanding that we needed a tax director who would select a team of narrow-field experts by himself! And in April 2020, one of our candidates came onboard the project to solve the most urgent issues, and in mid-July 2020, another candidate, a unique specialist in international taxes, started working in the client’s holding on an ongoing basis.
All’s well that ends well. We really hope that our candidates will make the client’s business even more successful!