CONSORT Group — one of the most successful and established brands on the Russian HR consulting market — was founded in 1992.
1992 - start of operations
250+ outsourcing and consulting projects
50 consultants in 5 Russian cities
450,000 highly professional candidates in the databank
12,000+ completed searches for 1200+ clients
47% of the projects were implemented in the regions of Russia and abroad
200+ startups for foreign and Russian companies
13 years - average work experience of search consultants
CONSORT Group conducts search projects throughout Russia from its offices located in:
Krasnodar (Southern District)
St. Petersburg (North-West District)
Ekaterinburg (the Urals, Far East and Siberian districts)
Our principles:
Client relationships:
- Following agreed contractual terms and conditions
- Regularly advising the Client of the search status
- Strictly observing agreements with the Client re what information about the company, position and compensation can be disclosed to Candidates and at what stage
- Not disclosing confidential information about the Client
- Strictly adhering to Off-limits clause (i.e. not considering the company’s employees who have been placed in the Client company as possible candidates for other employers)
Candidates relationships:
- Adhering to the principles of business ethics
- Strictly adhering to the agreed timeframe and conditions for feedback
- Providing Candidates with complete information about the open position
- Not disclosing confidential information about the Candidates to third parties
- Not sending a Candidate’s resume to the potential employer and not even mentioning his/her name and position without his/her consent
- Not collecting remuneration from the Candidates