Assessment Center is one of the methods for complex evaluation of personnel focused on assessing the actual qualities of employees, their psychological and professional particularities, their meeting position requirements, and also identifying their potential capabilities.
Participants are evaluated by observing their actual behavior in simulation exercises. Participants are presented with business games and assignments, case studies, tests, slaloms etc. to assess competences in simulated business situations.
Each participant is monitored by a group of experts. After the assessment center, the experts’ evaluations during the joint discussion are summed up to produce an expert opinion. The expert group work allows to reduce the subjectivity of evaluation grades and achieve a higher quality of forecasting based on them (validity reaches 95%).
The assessment center can be held in CONSORT Group’s offices, at the client’s, or on a neutral territory. The Customer’s representatives, if they wish to do so, can participate in the expert evaluation of employees or candidates. The tasks for the assessment center are developed by CONSORT Group and are agreed with the Customer.
The candidate assessment center adds quality to the staff selection process. Staff evaluation on a neutral territory involving independent experts makes it possible to obtain more objective information on employees and exclude cases of assessment being influenced by biased attitude towards an employee.