It is the highest reward for consultants when their clients stay with them for many years, sometimes even for decades, entrusting to the consultant the most complicated, non-standard searches.
Recently CONSORT Group’s consultant Irina Schavinsky was approached by our long-time client, a large Russian alcohol-producing company, who needed urgently a Branch Director in one of the country’s south regions where they planned to construct a new plant.
Nothing complicated at first glance, but only at first.. While discussing the position, it turned out that this person should harmoniously combine the seemingly incongruous-the experience as a construction technologist and … a plant director!
But with our consultants’ motto “If I clearly see the goal, there are no obstacles!”, everything can be solved.
Irina did find a hero, or rather, a heroine. A charming lady from Novosibirsk fearlessly went to build a plant — there are women in the Russian outback…!
By the way, only 2 months have passed between the receipt of the task and the candidate’s exit to work! This is largely due to the team work of the client and the consultant, who have long been “accustomed” and have learned to understand each other from the middle of a word.
The peasant woman, to return
to what we had begun to say,
that stately Slav we may discern
a shadow of, at least, today.Examples in odd places reach
by Nikolay Nekrasov
a calm solemnity, serene
in strength and beauty, each
with looks and stature of a queen
On horse she’s one you’ll never catch,
in any rescue boldly acts:
she’ll rush beneath a burning thatch,
stop bolting horse dead in its tracks.