The beginning of 2024 turned out to be active and full of new interesting projects for the Krasnodar office of CONSORT Group.
One of such projects was an Assessment Center in CateringBureau LLC — one of the largest and most successful catering companies operating not only in the Southern Federal District, but also beyond its borders.
In order to fulfill the ambitious strategic plans for 2024-2025, it was necessary to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the company’s management staff in order to determine its potential for the implementation of such plans, as well as to form an internal talent pool for filling managerial positions. As it is known, the validity of the results of the Assesment Center reaches 85%, so out of different types of comprehensive assessment of the existing staff, the company’s management chose this option.
It is worth noting that this project was one of the largest consulting projects implemented by the CONSORT Group: the number of the assessed personnel (managerial staff) amounted to about 20 people. Thus, the Assesment Center had to be prepared for several days (the group should not exceed 5-6 participants), and a sufficiently large number of assessors (external expert observers) had to be involved.
According to the plan agreed with the Customer, many different methods and ways of assessment were prepared, which included: business cases, projective tasks, group discussions, brainstorming, work in mini-groups (twos and threes), role-playing tasks, slaloms, several types of testing, etc. In the process of their performance, the Customer (the first person of the company) was able to personally assess the capabilities and potential of each of the participants of the sessions to fulfill the plans for the next two years.
After the assessment activities, an expert opinion was prepared based on the assessors’ evaluation sheets and comments on each participant for all types of tasks.
The most important outcome of the event was the goals achieved by the Customer: the top management of the company was able to determine with which potential (among the management staff) they will realize their goals and plans, which of the participants is capable of performing production tasks of a higher level and volume, which of the employees (participants of the AC) is realistic and necessary to be included in the company’s personnel reserve, and which of the participants and on which competencies should be additionally trained