The best quality among generalist search firms (nine on the ten-point scale), confirmation of its status as one of the market leaders, and the top spot in the Best customer orientation nomination — these are CONSORT Group’s achievements reflected in the 14th annual search firms survey conducted by the Personnel Management magazine.
This authoritative publication well-recognized by HRM specialists in Russia has been conducting surveys of search firms’ services since 2000. This survey’s uniqueness lies in the fact that, unlike all other studies (that often pretend to be ratings, although a rating is a completely different notion), it is conducted through a direct survey of those companies that use personnel services on the market. That is, what is taken into account here is not what search firms say about themselves but how their work is seen from the outside, in comparison with other providers. Hence, it offers a much higher degree of objectivity.
To give credit where credit’s due: the Personnel Management magazine during the
And it is even nicer to see that CONSORT Group firmly holds the highest positions on the current market!
The results of the 14th search firms survey can be found on the Personnel Management magazine’s website. (on Russian)