At the end of the summer of 2021, a new Marketing Director joined the team of our regular customer (multinational consumer electronics).
The search was conducted using the classic Executive Search technology, complicated by the requirement of confidentiality with respect to the Customer’s brand name up to the 2nd stage of the interview in the company. Consultant Elena Kvartalnova analyzed the market of candidates suitable for the Customer’s requirements in 2 segments: FMCG and Consumer Electronics. In the shortlist, the Customer preferred to see professionals with experience in both segments (50/50). The final candidate was highly appreciated by the European headquarters of the client company from all points of view — motivation, business and personal qualities, an excellent result of SHL testing, as well as a rare and useful combination of experience in leadership positions not only in marketing, but also in sales. We hope that such a “bouquet of advantages” will help to harmonize the work of marketing and sales departments in one of our favorite client companies.